Raw honey is unpasteurized honey, in its pure state, without going through the heating process. It is a universal remedy and a unique source of nutrients.
FOREST HONEY is called HONEYDEW HONEY is the only honey variety that is not extracted from the nectar of flowers, being produced using the sap of forest trees, which makes FOREST HONEY one of the most valuable varieties of honey from a therapeutic point of view. Its properties are similar to Manuka honey, as it contains enzymes, minerals, and powerful antioxidants.
Studies show that this type of honey contains important subtances which can have a bactericidal effect and it is richer in proteins, minerals, vitamins, and other nutrients.
440G Pure and Natural RAW FOREST HONEY with no added sugar, preservatives, GMO’S- unpasteurized honey.
- It can stimulate intestinal transit
- It can help the respiratory tract
- It can help skin conditions
- It is an excellent source of antioxidants and bioflavonoids, vitamins, minerals
This type of honey has a very different flavour as compared to other types of honey produced from flowers, less sweet and with a slight coniferous and caramel flavour.